Friday, January 15, 2010

Week 2 reading

Thus far the readings for this last week have been very eye opening, educational, informative, and no doubt some what confusing and hard to follow.
Understanding the human genome project was an easy article to read, and made me have a greater understanding of what goes on behind the scenes of scientific research.
I thought the article was very interesting to hear how scientist pursue their research at first hand experiences. Reading about the three scientist one by one was interesting because it gave you insight about how three different scientist view science and their research. Each had a different store that got them involved in the human genome project, and each have different views and experiences regarding their morals and ideas, and case of work.
Clearly in Sulstons book he not only informed the public eye about the importance of discovering the sequencing of the human genome, he also expressed his moral concerns about telling the community of the human genome project and the findings. Sulston felt that it was very important to release the findings of the human genome project to the public, so communities could educate themselves about where science is headed. Sulston struggles with a fellow scientist Ventor who had sided with companies who wanted to keep the HGP a secret. This to me was impressive because you would think that many people especially scientist who discover a novelty would have their best interest in themselves to make a much larger profit, than to release it to the public. Sulston was in the project for the right reasons.
I thought Collins being religious was an interesting twist in the project. I know everyone has different views and belief's about life, but when you bring someone of a religious back ground into a project you get very different ideas than your fellow colleagues. Religion can always be touchy and many will think that it could have a different affect on the outcome of anything. Collins ideas were definatly religious based which could or could not be a problem. I did think that I was inspiring though to hear why he was involved in the project(because it was gods will for him) Just interesting how religion can be so influential for some.
Article were a great insight to behind the scenes activities and inspirations that go on.
It was cool to read autobiographies because they are so truthful and personal.

1 comment:

  1. I see that "the personal" as it's portrayed in the summary of different autobiographies is for you an important part of understanding some of what the Human Genome Project was (and is) about. Do you think is generally so? That is, would you think it important that reporting on the Project more routinely include the "truthful and personal" aspects of scientists' work? For example, while there have some negative things said about Collins' religious side, it seems that you did not find that troubling. From here on out, except in Fortun's book, we will see little of the "autobiographical". Perhaps that's unfortunate.
